Barone Manhunt Contestant Paris Philippou

What made you think you could enter The Bar One Manhunt?
After hearing the radio advert, I felt it really spoke out to me – it mentioned a lot of attributes I felt I had, so I figured, “why not?”. I’ve always wanted to enter something like this and I’m a very adventurous guy, so this sounded like a great challenge to enter.

What qualities do you think you need to have to win?
Ultimately you need to be a well-rounded person. To win this show, you need to have many characteristics – fitness, strength, creativity, astuteness, dedication, self-belief, strong leadership and a good social side, to name a few…

What has been the hardest challenge for you so far?
Without giving away too much about the show, I love everything we’ve done so far, but what’s to come in episode four is insane! It’s a physical challenge that pushed me through my limits and I had to muster all my physical and mental strength. Besides any specific challenge, the hardest part of this show as a whole has probably been maintaining my high standard of honour, humility and values when all the chips were down and when some would easily put that all aside to win.

What have you learnt from this experience?
I learnt I am way more capable than I ever thought I was, at a lot of things. I learnt my dedication and commitment to, well, anything is something to be extremely proud of.

What is the single most important character trait you need to have for this competition?
A strong belief in yourself.

If you win this competition, what will it mean for you?
It will mean the world to me. It’s hard for me to put it into words how seriously I want to win this. I have no real interest in the lime-light, that is just a bonus (if you bother calling it that), and I’m doing it for the honour, the title, the prize and for my family, friends, coaches and even the other contestants that are already out – they have all contributed to who I am today and in this show.

Tell us about CrossFit and MMA?
I started MMA at FightFit Militia two years ago under my coaches Richie Quan and Norman Wessels. I love the sport and think it’s the best contact sport on earth. It takes immense dedication and talent to do what the top athletes do. MMA taught me a lot about myself and it pushed me towards CrossFit for conditioning, which is one of my other biggest loves now. I do CrossFit at CrossFit Jozi, under Imtiaz Desai. CrossFit is the sport of fitness, bar none! I have never felt fitter, stronger and learnt so much about camaraderie as I have through CrossFit. Seriously, everyone should do it – all shapes, sizes, races, gender and ages.

What does a typical day look like for you?
I normally wake up at 5am, have a CrossFit training class at 6am, go home and make a big breakfast. Then it’s off to work, which I love. I’m normally very busy at work and I’m often out to meet with clients. After work I’ll go to FightFit Militia for an MMA class at 6pm. If I survive the training, I’ll go home and make dinner. After dinner it’s chill time with my girlfriend and occasionally my family.

I hear you are in search of the best coffee, have you found it?
I am! I started the Paleo diet/lifetsyle, which has also changed my life, and because of it I don’t have sugar or sweeteners. Because I love coffee, the search started for a really good coffee that wasn’t masked by the flavour of sugar or even milk. So far I have to say I really like Illy coffee – it’s amazing. Veda e Café is also good.

Where would you like to travel next?
I’m actually travelling in September to Turkey to visit a close friend in Istanbul, and then to Cyprus to visit my dad’s hometown and family. I can’t wait!

As a food fundi, what new dish have you experimented with?
I love cooking. My dad was a brilliant chef. With my new diet/lifestyle, Paleo, I have to be really creative, but Lushwill from the show said I should try making a chocolate mousse that is made from avocado, cocoa powder, cinnamon and banana. Aparently it‘s amazing and tastes just like a normal chocolate mousse. I also make a killer almond powder banana bread!

Tell us about your company and what you do:
As mentioned above, I love my job. My company Dogma Media is a digital media publishing company which specialises in creating animated/interactive digital magazines and content generation. We publish Premium Man, Premium Woman and FLUX Mag, and we work with various corporate clients creating consumer titles, corporate titles and digital brochures. Being in an online space today is important, if not vital, and I can comfortably say we’re one of the best at what we do. Having a great team and business partner (Bradley Harrison) makes it all work perfectly.

Best place in Joburg to dine:
I really enjoy the food and vibe at Espresso’s in Parkhurst on the weekend, and the sushi at Yamitsuki in Bedfordview is amazing!

Best coffee in Joburg:
Anywhere that serves Illy coffee, and if you can’t find one, Vida e Café will do.

Bucket list:
I want to the travel world, and more specifically travel to places for specific events, for example the Tomato Fest in Italy, rather than just travelling to sight-see. For specific activities I want to do, my list is a long one – anything that will make my adrenalin go nuts, I’m keen!

Life Motto:
Especially after losing one of my best friends, my father, seven years ago, I live by the words of James Dean – “Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die today.”

Views: 1009

Comment by Clinton de Beer on May 25, 2012 at 9:30

Great interview - Paris is as Genuine as he comes across in this interview, He is a strong competitor, intensely driven and will succeed at whatever he puts his mind to... A true gentleman in every sense of the word.

Comment by alexandra avgitidis on May 25, 2012 at 12:40
Good luck with the competition:)
Comment by Shaamila Cassim on May 25, 2012 at 12:52

I got this all wrong.. I thought it was for the ladies..girls getting sponsored by a chocolate company to hunt men? Damn!!!

Comment by Shaamila Cassim on May 25, 2012 at 12:53

I suppose good luck to you then..hope you win the chocolate!

Comment by Nomsa Kagiso on May 25, 2012 at 13:01
Good luck Paris...u certainly have the makings for a Winner!

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