Black and White models shaped as a coffee mug:

Top Deck -We all know that the perfect cappuccino is a blend of well roasted coffee beans sprouting freshly brewed coffee topped with a thick layer of fluffy froth. We love this art illustration of the perfect cuppa, brilliant photography!

Pot of Gold-illy is so confident in their perfect blend that they’ve created a range of gold coffee cups to serve it in, Royally! 

illy cup chandelier

Let There Be Light - “i” for illy or “i”nnovation or perhaps both. illy has brought together some of the worlds biggest names in the world of art whilst creating its limited edition coffee cups over the past decade. They have now created a one of a kind chandelier from the coffee cups which carry artists’ names such as Julian Schnabel, James Rosenquist, Robert Rauschenberg, David Byrne, and Francis Ford Coppola. The chandelier is valued at $60 000 and there are only one of 2 in existence. Can I have another please?

illy Art Collection – The Latest Can by Kiki Smith 

As we all know, the illy Art Collection allows for small, everyday objects to become works of art displayed. Their latest collaboration is with the German born designer, whom currently lives in NY, Kiki Smith. “Her creations are rooted in history and feminism, filled with magic elements from individual and wider genres, comprising sculptures, drawings, engravings, ceramics, photographs, and videos, each highly personal and versatile.” Her works of art are shown in some of the worlds leading museums and so illy couldn't ignore the synergies and wanted to pay tribute to Kiki and Kiki to illy, thus the can entitled:“The natural charms of day and night.”

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