Sarah Cangley, is a journalist living in Johannesburg, South Africa, who writes a weekly social column called Cheek to Chic. The column has become an institution on the South African social scene (after ten and half years), and on Saturdays those desperate to see their pictures and what is hot and happening trudge from shop to shop in search of The Citizen newspaper, a well known tabloid newspaper. 


What does being a journalist mean to you?

Meeting wonderful inspirational and brilliant people who give me a new perspective on life. Being involved in the making of history, which is what has happened in South Africa in my lifetime


What motivates you to write?

Words do a sort of Grand Prix round and round in my head, looking for the exit signs.

Do you ever get writers block and how do you overcome it?

Mostly Mondays. Sometimes Tuesdays until Sundays too! You can get burnout which is when you need to recharge and become inspired again. Sometimes I have to force myself, and then find it is not so bad - although I always know the difference in my writing.

If someone took your pen away, how would you express yourself?

Probably talk the hind leg off a donkey.


Tell us about your blog?

Its classy, it’s visually appealing, it has fresh and unique content. It’s a way to write all those stories that the magazines don't have budget for.

What are your passions?

Exploring the universe and finding out as much as I can before I pop my clogs.

What do you dislike?

Distractions when I want to write, ugliness and bad manners.

Are you a thinker or do it now and think about consequences later?

I am a Libran ...We have the rep of never being able to make up our minds! But I can do both ...Think things through or a big leap before looking.

If you could have documented an event that happened in the world which  story would you have covered?

The inaugural flight of the Wright Brothers, an event that changed the world.


Do first impressions count?

Yes, they do. The REAL first impression that your little voices whisper to you and you don't usually listen to.

Are you a good judge of character ?

Always been a bad judge of boyfriends ..So now I am very cynical as a defence mechanism! I have tended to trust the wrong people. Let's hope experience brings wisdom, plus the odd white hair or two.

How would you describe the media?

A double-edged sword


What is your best time of the day?

Mid-afternoon until late at night


Who would be your most interesting person to interview (still alive)?

Would love to interview Meryl Streep.


Best in Joburg for:

Vintage: Rags and Lace: have bought amazing stuff here.
Books: Can't resist the Exclusive sale or buying online.
Lunch: Gray in Boksburg.
Cupcakes: Wolves cafe in Illovo.
Sundays: Blubird food market, art museums in the CBD or driving around the Cradle of Mankind.


Favourite fashion era

The 20s and 30s, love the cloche hats, the fur coats and flapper dresses, so pretty!


Favourite Actress

Toss up between Madeleine Stowe and Ashley Judd.


Favourite quote:

Anything that ever came out of Coco Chanel's mouth.


Sarah's member profile


Cheek to Chic website


Views: 250

Comment by Candice James on March 2, 2012 at 8:56

@Sarah,I really enjoy your blogs:)

Comment by Nomsa Kagiso on March 2, 2012 at 12:26

Thanks for sharing Sarah.

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